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초록 접수 마감 : 2010년 3월 19일 (금)

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  1. 입력 내용
    성명(성과 이름 띄지 말고 제 1저자만) 소속 (○○대학 혹은 ○○병원) ○○과 주소는 필히 한글로 기입하고 abstract난에는 제목 저자 및 소속을 모두 영문으로 기술한 후 한 줄 띄고 본문내용을 입력한다.
  2. 초록 내용 구성
    본문내용은 영문으로 작성하며 양식은 1) 연구배경 (Background) 2) 연구목적 (Objective) 3) 연구방법 (Method) 4) 연구결과 (Results) 5) 결론(Conclusions) 순으로 기술하여야 하며 단, 증례보고(Case report)인 경우에는 1) 배경 및 의의 (Background & Significance) 2) 증례 (Case) 3) 결론 (Conclusion or Comment) 순서로 한다.
  3. 기타
    문단은 나누지 않으며, subheading을 제외한 전체 단어 수를 원저는 500-1000자로 증례는 500 자 이내로 제한한다. 영문 초록 하단에는 6개 이내의 색인용어(Key Words)를 기재하며 Index Medicus의 주제색인(MESH-Medical Subject Headings)에 있는 단어를 사용하는 것을 원칙으로 한다. 최근판 의학주제용어집에 적당한 단어가 없는 최근의 개념이나 용어에 대해서는 저자가 사용한 단어를 제시하여도 된다.
    (MESH 검색은 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/meshbrowser.cgi 또는 신경과 학회 홈페이지 http://www.neuro.or.kr 에서 검색할 수 있다.)
  4. 초록의 예

    False Positive in the Short Segment Nerve Conduction Study by Ulnar Nerve Dislocation at the Across-Elbow Segment
    Kil-Dong Hong, Sam-Soon Kim*
    Department of Neurology, Hankook University, Daehan University', Seoul

    Background: The most valuable diagnostic method in patients with ulnar neuropathy at the elbow is nerve conduction study. However, possible technical error induced by ulnar nerve dislocation when the elbow is flexed has been recently suggested.
    Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate the effect of the ulnar nerve dislocation on the short segment nerve conduction study (S-NCS) at the across-elbow segment.
    Methods: Two-hundreds-thirty-four elbows from 117 healthy volunteers (mean age 30.4 years) were enrolled in this study. The ultrasonography was performed to observe whether ulnar nerve dislocate at the elbow when it is flexed and to determine the angle of elbow when the ulnar nerve dislocate. The S-NCS was performed at the across-elbow segment with two different methods: 1) conventional method, stimulation on the skin above ulnar nerve which typically course in the ulnar groove 2) adjusted method stimulation on the skin above ulnar nerve searched by ultrasonography.
    Results: Ulnar nerve dislocation occurred in 13 elbows (5.6%) The mean angle of elbows when the ulnar nerve dislocated was 99.8 degree (range 75 - 135) Of 13 elbows which had dislocated ulnar nerve all elbows had conduction block around medial epicondyle during the S-NCS with conventional method. However the abnormal conduction block was confirmed as normal conduction by adjusted method.
    Conclusions: The results suggest that caution is needed during interpretation when compound muscle action potential of ulnar nerve is not evoked or has significant amplitude drop at the across-elbow segment because possible ulnar nerve dislocation may cause significant technical error by volume conduction.